The protection of your personal data is very important to us.
This page deals exclusively with the privacy policy for our mobile applications.

Responsible in terms of data protection law

Software Schmidt
Ritzefeldstr. 23
52222 Stolberg
Phone: +49 2402 9934350

Privacy for our Singleplayer Applications

For our singleplayer applications, only information necessary for the respective game is stored.
The device-specific advertising ID is used by Google AdMob ( in order to display advertisements. No further information is collected about users or their activities outside of the game. All user information remains on the end device and we have no access to this data.

Privacy for our Multiplayer Applications

For our multiplayer applications, only information necessary for the respective game is stored. For the duration of the game user names, the respective IP addresses, scores and last game actions are stored on our server in order to be able to guarantee the flow of information necessary for the game. The device-specific advertising ID is collected by Google AdMob ( display advertisements. No further information is collected about users or their activities outside of the game. After the end of the game, this information will be deleted on our servers. Players have the option to locally save the results of their previous games.